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Throughout my experience with GCSP, I have been able to become heavily involved in the Fulton Schools of Engineering. Much of this has been inspired by GCSP, and all of it has contributed to developing me as an individual ready to succeed in my professional career.


Fulton Ambassadors (45+ Hours Completed)

  • Gave tours to prospective students and parents
  • Represented the Fulton Schools at various Outreach and Special Events
  • Active member since Spring 2015, and currently on Alumni status

E2 Camp Counselor (45+ Hours, 9 Camps total)

  • Led groups of students to activities around the camp for 6 sessions, each covering 3 days
  • Help the faculty run the activities or participate if needed
  • Conducted my own team building activities
  • Came back as a student lead for Summer of 2017 and led my own camps

EPICS (3 Semesters)

Aquaholics (2 semesters)

  • Worked with House of Refuge to design a community splash pad

Sustainable Gardens (1 semester)

  • Worked with Seeds for Life to design sustainable bamboo structures to protect the crops of subsistence farmers in Guatemala



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