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When I was seven years old, I made up a song and wrote the lyrics on a small piece of lined, white paper. I remember singing it to myself in the bathroom mirror to practice. When it was ready, I walked down the hall to my brother's room to share it with my older siblings. I sang my song for them, and they laughed. In retrospect, I really can't blame them. It was a love song, one probably inspired by the music of boy bands such as 98 Degrees, NSYNC and Backstreet Boys. At seven years old, I'm not really sure I had ever had a crush on a girl. Regardless, the chiding hurt. I continued to love music, but it was 13 years before I wrote another song.


At the age of 20 (after gaining extensive experience in the field of love), I finally got the inspiration I needed. One night, while driving home from a date, I received a text that said, "Baby I miss you." The words met a melody in my mind, and for the remainder of the drive they danced together in my head. When I got home, I went straight to my desk with a pen and paper and began to write. Within 2 hours, the lyrics were finished. I picked up my guitar, and the song "You and I" was born.


That was a defining moment for me. It was the beginning of the creative adventure of my adulthood. In those hours I realized my passion for writing. Since that time, creative writing has opened a window to see into the deeper parts of myself. It has helped me to see clearly my own dreams, fears, goals and desires, and has helped me learn to effectively communicate those things to others.


I would be remiss if I did not also pay a proper tribute to reading for its effect on my life. From my earliest memories, I have loved books. Sideways Stories from Wayside School, courtesy of my 1st grade teacher, "Miss Brontasaurus", was one of the first books I can remember enjoying. Later, I stumbled across The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I struck out on adventures in Narnia, and lost myself in that remarkable written series. At eight years old, I read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. To this day, I regard Ender's Game as one of the greatest books ever written. Ender, the main character, had a profound effect on my desire to become intelligent and well-rounded, and my desire to be a good person from core to surface. The world of science fiction became a love of mine, and I spent a good deal of time there during my adolescent years.


Having finally reached adulthood, I've determined that it's time for me to get my feet squarely planted in reality. I'm attending ASU, working full-time, and building a life together with my wife. I'm enjoying this time immensely, and look forward to the many grown-up adventures that will follow. 




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