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When I was not reviewing my works at home with Microsoft Word, I was writing in a notebook that I would bring with me to my work for when I had an epiphany on anything English related I thought about away from the computer. That way, evidence of how my brain was processing this information was in plain sight. Also, I find that Word is perfect for when you want to add headers and find the perfect font to use, and so it really helped me in the first project with the APA format.


For both of my projects, I used Word to compose and edit my documents. One of the advantages, I've noticed, to taking an online class is that I am more organized. I was always the person in high school that had the messy notebook with papers flying everywhere, and this disabled me from looking back at my notes from the class (since most of the time I couldn't locate anything). However, with online learning, all my work in organized and saved in it's appropriate folder on my computer. The same goes for composing. Beforehand, I would have many notebook pages,  not categorized and not organized, and I had a difficult time collecting my thoughts. Now, I can easily go back and look over anything I am unsure about, as well as use this information as reference for most of my portfolio. I love this electronic environment. I find it easier to navigate, study, learn, and complete what I need to complete. It's hard for me to believe that I have become organized using this fashion. However, I guess my brain just responds better to online learning than notebook learning. Whatever the reason, I know that I am confident with how I process information now. While most people seem to have difficulty with the Internet, I actually have difficulty not using it for organization. 


I really liked seeing my professors and Writing Fellow edit my papers using Google Docs. I would read through my essay, and whenever a certain part was highlighted or underlined, I could easily navigate to the comment it was pertaining to. Even my father, who is a University Professor of Physics, helped me edit my essays using Google Docs. I like it because you can save the paper in this format. I have saved most of these reviews on my computer. Google Docs reminds me more of editing because it covers the entire essay, part by part. I feel somewhat disappointed because the reviews I received from my classmates were, most of the time, answering questions. It lacked editing in a chronological format, and I felt sometimes I would have to scavenger my essay to figure out what one of my peers was talking about. Even responding, I felt it look longer to review because I would have to read the essay from beginning to end first, and then answer the questions - it was basically a lot of looking back and forth. Google Docs does this for you! I definitely enjoyed viewing it and being able to read exactly what I needed to improve on.



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