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I had to consider how I wanted my story to be arranged for Project #1. I wanted to keep the good aspects of my essay, however I didn’t want to just completely delete sentences just because a person reviewed it as a weak point. I would actually keep the sentence there originally but then at the same time I would try to write a sentence that was more focused on my subject afterwards.


Project two was another attempt at using a process for editing my work, and overall I think I have learned how to spot the majority of the mistakes I tend to make. At first, I always proof-read basic convention, grammar, and diction errors. Upon doing this, I also try and fix the flow of my overall paragraph and make sure evidence is properly portrayed. However, after this step, I have now learned to incorporate focusing my sentences towards a common purpose, whether it be the message of my piece or an example I'm discussing. Finally, I have learned how to look at the structure of my introduction all the way to conclusion, and arrange it from least important to most important. In this step, I try to make my writing rise in intensity, and then have the conclusion settle all the previous questions with answers.


The writing habits I developed by the end of this course were to quadruple-check my work and to focus my sentences better and develop my purpose more relevantly. I'd like to think that my habits are still a work in progress, but I do feel extremely more confident in my ability to write. I've modified the fact that I don't need to use a large vocabulary to sound convincing. Using my own language still, I have learned to re-evaluate sentence to be more relevant to my ultimate message. I have improved my ability to illustrate my evidence properly instead of randomness by this. My family always jokes this part of my personality, because when I was little I would be ranting on about a topic of interest to me, and then I would see a taxi and immediately stop and say, "Yellow car!" and then continue on where I left off. If I stop writing down anything that comes to my mind (like a yellow car) and actual support my essay with evidence, my free-writing will sound let confusing.





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