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Members: Bryant Armistead, Christiyana Marks, Sarah Scrivner, Katherine Turpin, Xingfang Xie (Jubilee), Christina Yard Emanis

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Invisible Fabric: Itinerary 




Bellow you will find:


1.) A PDF Document containing the itinerary for Team: The Invisible Fabric


2.) A powerpoint presentation (that can be made full-screen, if desired) containing the itinerary in sections


3.) Additional information on the two planned excursions, as well as the back-up excursions

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


 Additional Detail On Itinerary Excursions


***Note: Each excursion is within the region of the project site (covering multiple areas within the town), deeming the excursion 0 miles from the project site).

The project site is the enire town, as the schools are scattered within it, making the excursions 'stops' along our route.***


La Bajada Playa Hermosa (Choice #1 first Excursion)


Map of Location:

Picture of Location:




Reason for excursion: Enjoy the scenic view of the ocean, and learn more about the history of the town through this museum.





Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (Choice #2 for the first excursion)
Map of Location:

Picture of Location:
Reason for excursion:  Visit this center to learn more about the environment of the town as well as the history of the environment.

Entrada a Biosfera El Pinacate (Choice #1 Second Excursion)


Map of Location:



Picture of Location:




Reason for excursion: To experience a popular tourist attraction and historical museum.



Aquariam Mar De Cortez (Choice #2 for second excursion)


Map of Location:


Picture of Location:






Reason for excursion: To visit an aquarium containing fish native to the area, as well as to experience this popular tourist attraction.


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