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Members: Bryant Armistead, Christiyana Marks, Sarah Scrivner, Katherine Turpin, Xingfang Xie (Jubilee), Christina Yard Emanis

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Project Budget- The Invisible Fabric


Overall Budget: $10,000

Estimated Cost: $5,891.69

Savings: $4,108.31


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Airline: Volaris Airline - (round-trip)




Hotel: Penasco Del Sol Hotel - (One night for Christina)




Form of Transportation: Car

Model:  (2017 Cheverolet Sonic)



12 gallon tank

Miles per gallon= 38

Full tank= 456 Miles (12 gallons*38 Miles)


Gas - (Miles to and from Mexico)



Gas prices in Arizona: $2.30 a gallon

Gas Prices in Rocky Point: $13.57 Mexican Pesos a Liter


Equivalent to $3.56 American Dollars, One gallon  is equal to 3.78 Liters.


Trip to Mexico

12 gallon tank ($27.6)

Miles per gallon= 38, Full tank= 456 Miles (12 gallons*38 Miles)

***enough leftover gas to last a majority of trip within Mexico****


Trip Home from Mexico

12 gallon tank ($161.48)




*** All material has been provided by the Home Page Google Search Engine ***


Google Maps, Google, www.google.com/maps/dir/Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX), 3400 E Sky Harbor Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85034/Puerto Pe%C3%B1asco, Sonora, Mexico/@32.3898279,-113.8626587,8z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x872b0e5c330370a5:0x82f535d5e256ee42!2m2!1d-112.0077881!2d33.4372686!1m5!1m1!1s0x812ba5b44ea74411:0x4349796169c75fb3!2m2!1d-113.5311843!2d31.3268218.


Google Search, Google, www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAASUF_enUS707US710&ei=qMkdWuTHL4HGjAOLob7ABw&q=sonic%2B2017%2Bchevrolet&oq=sonic%2B2017%2Bchevrolet&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l9.5765.13413.0.13492.


“Penasco Del Sol Hotel.” Google Search, Google, www.google.com/search?q=Penasco%2BDel%2BSol%2BHotel&rlz=1CAASUF_enUS707US710&oq=Penasco%2BDel%2BSol%2BHotel&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.795j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8.



Volaris, www.volaris.com/Flight/Select.






-The Sonic Car Model is Sarah Scrivner's exact car model, which is why it's being used



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-Because the rubric specifically states to add in the cost of using an airline to the budget sheet, it was. However, the team lives in Texas and Arizona. We plan on traveling to Mexico, which is a easy driving distance. Realistically, we will be saving the $628 that would have been for an airline ticket.

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