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Members: Bryant Armistead, Christiyana Marks, Sarah Scrivner, Katherine Turpin, Xingfang Xie (Jubilee), Christina Yard Emanis

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Bellow You Will Find:


1.) A 1-2 page (single-spaced) document discussing the team reflection on challenges, triumphs, and the process of our team evolution.

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At the beginning of this course, our team had almost no communication. We discovered many challenges from even our first week trying to meet. Everyone on our team has totally different schedules and at first, it was hard to get people to adjust to other schedules but once we got most of the members on a video chat we were able to come to a common ground on time. Once dates and times were figured out it became easier for our leader to get everyone together. One member of our group decided to separate and have us pick sections and focus on them. We did well at this task however, it did nothing for our development as a team it primary helped us to fulfill each category. Our team used google docs and this helped to keep our files organized and show each other progress although not everyone was similar or worked the software properly it helped most of the team.
As a team, we fought through our different time zones with some members even staying up extremely late for our meetings. We eventually got better and in the end communicate returned to its original state. Our team took careful consideration of others skills and used it to our advantage. Every member of the group was able to somehow use their skills to better our project. Having such strong personalities helped to develop our team and for members to make others be accountable for their work. We have been determined to get all golds and also make our mission something we all care about and can actually see happening. Our group's dedication and communication grew tremendously through ought this course!

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.