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Members: Bryant Armistead, Christiyana Marks, Sarah Scrivner, Katherine Turpin, Xingfang Xie (Jubilee), Christina Yard Emanis

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      The Invisible Fabric:     


      "Encouraging the reach for the stars."

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CTF Round 2: Individual Team Responsibilities



Category 1- Collaboration Levels 1-3: Both Christina and Katie


Category 2- Discussion Levels 1-3: Christina Lynn Yard Emanis


Category 3- Itinerary Levels 1-3: Sarah Scrivner


Category 4- Communication Plan 1-3: Christiyana Marks


Category 5- Emergency Plan 1-3: Katherine & Xingfang (Jubilee-because it strongly connect to my vision and my strength)


Category 6- Team Reflections 1-3: Bryant Armistead


Category 7- Gear List 1-3: Sarah Scrivner





****The group has agreed that all material, split into 7 categories, will have group members individually responsible for them. Once completed (on a date determined by the group), the categories will be checked by all members of the team, then signed off on.****

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